[TED] 좋은 대화를 위한 10가지 방법 - 셀레스티 헤들리영어공부/유튜브(Youtube) 2020. 6. 4. 13:00
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
What's Celeste's job?
- professional interviewer
What are the 10 suggestions for better listening?
1. Don't multitask
2. Don't pontificate
3. Use open-ended questions
4. Go with the flow
5. if you don't know, say that you don't know
6. Don't equate your experience with theirs
7. Try not to repeat yourself
8. Stay out of the weeds
9. Listen
10. be brief
What does she consider the most important?
- Listen
Why is good conversation like a miniskirt?
- short engough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.
What are the problems with conversations in 21st century?
- we are not listening to each other.
Extra: What three questions you would ask Celeste?
show of hands : 거수
offensive : 모욕적인, 불쾌한
devolve : 양도하다, 맡기다, 지우다. 이전되다, 귀속하다
trivial : 사소한
polarize : 양극화되다, 양극화를 초래하다
compromise : 타협하다
competence : 능숙함
overlook : 간과하다, 못 보고 넘어가다
hone : 연마하다
sustain : 계속[지속]시키다 (=maintain)
conherent : 일관성 있는
plumber : 배관공
pontificate : 거들먹 거리다
state : (정식으로) 말하다[쓰다], 진술[서술/언명]하다
pundit : 전문가
conservative : 보수적인
abortion : 낙태
liberal : 자유민주적인
recess : 휴회 기간, 휴회, 휴식
equate : 동일시하다
brag : 자랑하다
condescend : 거들먹거리다, 잘난 체하다
Frankly : 솔직히
bolster : 북돋우다, 강화[개선]하다
distracted : 산만해지다
intent : 의도
retain : 유지하다
boil down : 졸아들다, ~가 되게 졸이다
rituaㅣ : 의식 절차, 의례
runner up : 2위 입상자
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